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Heart, Health, Hope

Information to Help You Along the Way


Not just for the Autistic...

Executive Functioning
How one mom helps her child manage to get tasks done:

“I've found that keeping my child to a consistent schedule that is written and posted on the wall, divided by time blocks allows for playtime and helps reduce arguments.

It makes both of us more productive and helps with executive functioning.
It also caters to concrete thinking: 4:30- 5:30 is homework nothing else is allowed.
Now the major task is encouraging my child to follow the schedule without my prompting!

I've also started showing my child how our schedules interlock with each other. This helps to understand why I have to decline playing for 2 hours together when it is time to cook dinner! We have a revised schedule that is more relaxed over the weekends.

If there is no daily plan, my child will try to play online all day.

On the occasional rainy/ sick day we have "Pajama Day" eat all our meals on the couch with TV AND JUST BE LAZY! This is a required mental health day for both of us. (Usually once a month) For that one day, housework can wait and the world will not end."

*Being neurodivergent means having a brain that works differently from the average or “neurotypical” person.
 Schedules are important.

  • Independently sticking to them is the next step for many children. It helps for future life away from home, work, and/or college.

  • Also showing your child how your schedule works is helpful too (in whatever form it takes – may not be formally written. But we all have times we get up, do work, eat, go to bed etc. that are normally pretty consistent).

  • Chilled-out weekends are a great thing. The whole Monday –Friday hustle is exhausting for all. The odd “Mental Health Day” is something a lot of parents advocate for their child (and themselves).

So thanks to this mom (Josie) for these helpful tips! We appreciate you for sharing. 

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